Sunday, February 10, 2008

Alpine to Ho-Ho-Homewood.

February 10, 2008: We read something that said someone tried to put a ski resort between Alpine & Homewood.

Really? Is there that much terrain back there? Better check.

This tour turned out to not be all that stupid. We liked it so much we came back with Jim & Shortie.

We didn't think of it at the time, but there is a shuttle between Homewood & Alpine that would turn this into a public transit tour.

Gayle's photos.


Jeff, Faerthen, Beth, Gayle, Virginia, Jim, Shortie

Leaving Alpine Meadows the hard way.

Good corn!

Backside of Twin Peaks.

At the bottom of Blackwood Canyon--
Virginia couldn't give this sandwich away.

Gayle's secret weapon snack.

Looking down onto Homewood.

Treewell yoga.
There's that sandwich again.

Otis the shuttle!

Back to Sagehen on the 'bile in the twilight.

Next day with Jim and Shortie.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ralston to Echo.

January 19, 2008: A traverse from Ralston Peak to Echo Peak & out through the burn sounds like just the ticket while the snow is hateful everywhere.

Polly's photos.

Here's a video of someone else's good snow day on this tour:


Jeff, Faerthen, Beth, Sue, Polly

Hm. Ski the creamy corn to the left, or finish the
climb to the peak and the traverse out through the next
basin on frozen crust? Remember, it's us...

Scratchy bit.
Ralston Peak.

EBC (excellent breakable crust) all the way down!

Echo Peak.

Our through the Angora burn off Echo Peak.
Hot cheese in South Lake!