Monday, February 2, 2009

Sagehen to Donner Summit.

February 2, 2009: We did this route in this direction once before & liked it despite its difficulties, so this time we added a mountaineering ascent of the "BBC" [Beth's Birthday Couloir].

Most people thought it was stupid not to ski the couloir after :)


Jeff, Faerthen, Beth, Dr. Jim

Gear recommendation: ice ax, crampons and rope!

Beth and Jeff in the snowcat on the way up Sagehen basin.

Quick skin up to Carpenter Ridge and a visit to Tower 6.

The route ahead! Down into Warren Lake, up and over
the Devil's Oven to Basin Peak, then down and out via
Castle Pass to Donner Summit on I-80.

Snow getting thin on the drop from Carpenter ridge.


Easier to just hike rather than taking skis
on and off...and on and off.

Memorializing a nice patch of turns.

Skinning up to the BBC couloir.

Relaxing in the sun as Beth tops out.

The route to here from the top of Sagehen basin. Bit dry.

Scootching over to Basin Peak for the descent.

Bumpy ride out the Castle Peak luge.

And back to the shuttle car!

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