During an Imp meltdown at Sagehen the other day, Sue, Chris, Jeff & I poured over the map to come up with some new schemes. Here are some ideas we came up with, along with some that I dug up from past discussions [Word doc]:
1. Some sort of a Luther Pass to Freel Peak to Carson descent as we discussed in the past. A truly ludicrous shuttle, but possibly the biggest descent in these parts, & you can get Pho on the way home :)
3. Sue finally located the finger chutes over by Hourglass. So, the tour we discussed with Colpo a couple years back is back on the burner:
5. Here are some other traverses previously discussed with Colpo that are rather enormous, but interesting maybe for when we're toughened up in the spring and the days are longer:
7. I'd like to try Carson to Luther via public transit this time [and everyone else wants to be sure we do it south to north]. We'll have to bribe the bus driver to let us out at Carson pass, since they aren't supposed to do that. Maybe go prepared to tour around Kirkwood if Plan-A doesn't work out?
8. I've attached some maps & profiles Sue & Beth did for other options around Desolation.

1. Some sort of a Luther Pass to Freel Peak to Carson descent as we discussed in the past. A truly ludicrous shuttle, but possibly the biggest descent in these parts, & you can get Pho on the way home :)
* Luther Pass on 89, across Freel, Job's Sister, and Jobs, and finishing with that OUTstanding 5000'+ descent off of Job's down to Minden.2. A spring jaunt from Incline Peak to King's Beach. Lots of sunny exposures on this one, & a good bit of elevation loss. Probably not stupid at all.
3. Sue finally located the finger chutes over by Hourglass. So, the tour we discussed with Colpo a couple years back is back on the burner:
* Mt. Rose Summit. Start at the summit parking or just down hill at the Hourglass pull-out. Follow that ridge up to the top of Tamarack, get about 800' of turns in, and then follow the spine up to the top of 1) Mt. Houghton, to ski Bronco Chutes (approx. 2000') followed by a long ski out to Floriston; or 2) Relay Peak, from which you can drop into Relay Bowl (approx. 1000'), quickly climb westward onto the nearby ridgeline, where you'll find a row of spicy 600' N-facing shots. From there, you could wind down along Gray's Creek toward that cabin near Hirschdale (and the final STEEP, and very enticing looking 1000'+ line immediately up the drainage from the cabin (off of Martis Peak, perhaps?).4. Shaggy's Menage-a-Trois tour out to Dick's Peak & the two Maggies [or something like that]. He also has a monster version with a traverse of Dick's, Jack's and other stuff.
5. Here are some other traverses previously discussed with Colpo that are rather enormous, but interesting maybe for when we're toughened up in the spring and the days are longer:
* Length-wise traverse of the northern Carson Range, climbing up from Incline, going over Rose proper, and then traversing the full length of the ridge. It's possible right now to ski all the way down to Patagonia. Not something I would want to do laps on, but a cool ending to a nice long (approx. 26 miles) traverse.6. We'd also like to revisit a couple of our past tours under better snow conditions, but especially Donner-Sagehen via Red Mountain. Or maybe we could do this as either a Gayle's or Chris' house to Sagehen tour?
* Carson Pass to Tahoe. Cross at Luther Pass, then ascend to either Freel or Trimmer.
7. I'd like to try Carson to Luther via public transit this time [and everyone else wants to be sure we do it south to north]. We'll have to bribe the bus driver to let us out at Carson pass, since they aren't supposed to do that. Maybe go prepared to tour around Kirkwood if Plan-A doesn't work out?
8. I've attached some maps & profiles Sue & Beth did for other options around Desolation.

I did a variation of #1 many years back (Luther - Jobs - descent to Carson) and it definitely qualified as a stupid ski tour: 5,000 ft descent of breakable crust ending with manzanita thrashing at the bottom, in the dark.